My name is Khue (Kylie) Vo and I am an Assistant Professor in Marketing at West Virginia University.
My research interest lies in the area of atmospherics, especially in ambient lighting, on how they influence consumption decisions. I have three essays in this area and was really honored to be the winner of the – AMS 2023 Mary Kay Dissertation Proposal Competition.
Other projects I have been involved in focus on morality, vulnerability, gift-giving, and tipping behavior.
I employ a diverse set of methods in my research, including lab experiments, field experiments, large-scale surveys, and secondary datasets.
Prior to Ph.D., I obtained an Honors B.S. degree in Economics from the Vietnam National University and a Magna Cum Laude M.B.A. degree in Marketing from the University of North Texas. I also worked as an account executive, a marketing analyst, and a social media influencer.